I think nightlights are really sweet and I especially love when they project something cool- like stars- around the room. I have seen variations of this before but I have never seen a constelation nightlight incorporated into a plush toy. To those of you who are already Moms this might be old hat, but I think it is just Darling!
Maybe one day in the not too distant future there will be little human babies in the works for Mr. R and me.
Better go get to workin' on that!
Cloud B Twilight Turtle Constellation Nightlight - Cloud B - Babies "R" Us
Gosh, how cute! I am amazed at all the things they have come out with since mine were little :( WOW,
how time flies!!
Not too distant future huh Mrs. R??? When does that exactly mean? You wanna bet you'll be prego before I am?? :)
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