Friday, September 10, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Today is my Precious Girl Darla's 6th Birthday! Mr. R, my Darling husband, thinks I am completely crazy for making even a mention of this. Why? Well, if you have looked at the photos of our children you will find that My Precious Girl is actually a dog. (DO NOT tell her that!)
I never really understood before her how completely attached you can become to your "pet". I kind of thought that people who treated animals like they were children were more than a little crazy. But, now I am in love! Sometimes I wonder if I will love and fuss over my human children this much. (Probably.)

Anyway, take a look at this face and tell me what's not to love...

(poor thing was still drugged from having teeth removed)

(this is her serious shot)

(she's a sleeper -just like her Mom- and loves to nest in any clothes she can find)

(snuggling with her best stuffed friend Elephante)

(she loves to travel)

(this is her scruffy puppy "I didn't do it " face )

So, with a face like that and inspite of my husband's laughing at me, I want to wish my little angel a very Happy Birthday!!!


Lacey in the City said...

Happy birthday, Darlanator babycakes!!!!!

Cool Gal said...

Happy Birthday!

What a doll.

Sh...mine thinks he's human, too! I say it all the time. LOL.

Nicole said...

Happy Birthday Darla! Tell Mr. R he is crazy...I threw a Spongebob Squarepants themed birthday party for my pup last year on his birthday!

Karen said...

I love this Grandbaby!!!

Lacey in the City said...

She is such a precious little baby!!